High-Resolution Multi-Element Simultaneous AFM Measurements Towards the Development of a Unified Slip Theory Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Graduate School of Engineering The “hotspots” generated in integrated circuits can cause malfunctions and destruction, which cannot be fully addressed by conventional solid heat conduction. On the other hand, microchann [...]
The Comparative Analysis of Shadow Price of carbon using Production Function Analysis Department of Economic Systems, Graduate School of Economics This study uses stochastic frontier analysis to calculate the carbon shadow price and analyze the factors that affect the price. The carbon shadow price is the price to reduce carbon emissions by one [...]
The evaluation of maximum CO2 storage capacity and the permeability change in an igneous high-temperature geothermal reservoir. Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering Although increasing atmospheric CO2 levels will cause climate changes that pose serious risks to humanity, fossil fuels will evidently continue to be used for decades [1]. Large-scale carbon capture [...]
Reconstruction of calcium carbonate dissolution and burial changes in the Southern Ocean floor during the past 140,000 years. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science The detailed mechanisms that lowered the atmospheric CO2 concentrations by approximately 100 ppm during glacial periods remain a crucial open question. It is hypothesized that increased ocean alkalini [...]
A Study on ASR Expansion of Concrete and its Prediction Method Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering コンクリートの劣化の一つであるアルカリシリカ反応(ASR)は,コンクリートの材料間の反応に由来し,致命的な膨張ひび割れを引き起こす。コンクリートごとに使用されるセメント・石・砂やその配調合が異なるため,ASRには画一的な対策が通用しない。そこで,各要因の影響度を把握するための膨張実験と,劣化メカニズム解明に向けた微視的観察を行い,数値的な予測モデルを提案することで,新たなインフラ設計・維持管理手法 [...]
Effects of deer-induced understory degradation on soil ecosystems - Focusing on the snow cover- Department of Agro-environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences In recent years, the loss of understory vegetation such as dwarf bamboo (Sasa spp.) has become more serious due to overgrazing by Sika deer, which is rapidly increasing in population. Degradation of [...]
Improving the chemo-mechanical properties of all-solid-state lithium ion batteries by changing the structure of Li-Si alloy anode Department of Automotive Science, Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Sciences To advance the commercialization of all-solid-state lithium-sulfur batteries (ASSLSBs), an important key to achieving carbon neutrality, the improvement of energy density and suppression of degradatio [...]
Research on the applicability of biomimetic engineering to deployable architectural structure Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies I have been conducting research in the field of architecture on deployable structures. Deployable structure has the advantage that they can keep itself flat and be pre-assembled, therefore they impr [...]