• News
  • Event
German Research Fair
  • News
Closing of the program office during National Holidays (Golden Week)
  • PICK UP!
PICK UP! (vol.4) Reina Nishioka / Graduate School of Design
  • PICK UP!
PICK UP! (vol.3) Teruhiko Honda / Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies
  • Important
  • News
日本学生支援機構 第一種奨学金 業績優秀者返還免除制度の重複制限についてのお知らせ
  • PICK UP!
PICK UP! (vol.2) PENG ZIXUAN/ Graduate School of Design
  • PICK UP!
PICK UP! (vol.1) Ms. Mikiko Kudo/ Graduate School of Systems Life Sciences
  • News
About a launch of MEMBERS ONLY page
  • Recruitment
FY2023 April Application deadline and selection schedule
  • Recruitment
FY2023 April Application guidelines have been posted
  • Recruitment
Regarding the release of application guidelines for FY2023 April
  • PR
Course introduction movies are now available!