"Future - Creation (MIRAI)" course students saved a life! The Fukuoka Prefecture Higashi Police Station Chief presented a certificate of appreciation to Mr.Morino.

In early March 2024, Mr.Kenji Morino, a first-year student in the School of Graduate School of Medical Sciences , was officially commended for saving a young man’s precious  life.
Mr.Morino stopped a young man who tried to jump off from the pedestrian bridge. After that, Mr.Morino listend to him for hours, protected him, and took him to the Higashi Police Station.
For his life-saving actions, he was presented with a certificate of appreciation from the Fukuoka Prefectural Higashi Police Chief.

From Program Officer of “Future-Creation (MIRAI)” Course:This act of courage is highly commendable in terms of his instantaneous judgment, excellent communication skills, and appropriate response.